Processing & Characterization in-situ
- DSI Gleeble 3500 Thermomechanical Test System (Low friction force & high force pocket jaw , strip annealing system, Load cells 5kN/22kN/100kN, diametric and longitudinal LVDT strain gauges, water/gas quenching capability, atmosphere: high vacuum/furnace gas)
- DSI Gleeble hot Torsion system
- TECNAR/NRC Laser Ultrasonics for Metallurgy Sensor (LUMet)
- Tube/Box furnaces for high temperature heat treatment in controlled atmosphere
- Oil/salt baths (Max temperature 700°C)
- Laboratory scale rolling mill (sample width <50 mm)
- DSI Thermocouple spot welder
- Run-out Table simulator (Coupled with box furnace)
- FORESTER Sigmatest 2.069 resistivity measurement testing assembly (Low temperature resistivity rig)
- MTS hydraulic load frames, digitally controlled units, testing capability from 77 to 1000K (Instron 8874, Instron 8872)
- Hardness testing (Macro/micro indentation)
- MTS Nano Indenter CSM/LFM control Unit
- SETARAM – CALVET Differential Calorimeter C80
- 3D Digital Image Correlation (High speed camera and acquisition)
Sample preparation for metallography
- BUEHLER Pneumet 1 hot mounting press
- BUEHLER Phoenix 4000 Sample preparation system (grinding/polishing)
- BUEHLER Vibromet 2 Vibratory polisher
- DC/AC power supply (Electro polishing/etching)
Optical Microscopy
- NIKON Epiphot 300 Inverted optical microscope (Bright/Dark Field, Mag (x50, x100, x200, x500, x1000, light filters & polarizers)
- CLEMEX Tango controllers for motorized stages attached to the Optical microscope Epiphot
Electronic Microscopy
- Hitachi H800 Scanning Electron microscope
- Carl Zeiss NTS Ltd. Sigma scanning electron microscope
- Digiview detector for Electron Back Scattered Diffraction
- Rigaku MultiFlex X-Ray Diffraction detector
- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy detector
- ABAQUS (Finite Element Modeling)
- CLEMEX vision software (Quantitative image analysis and post processing)
- CTOME (Laser ultrasonic data analysis)
- EDAX/TSL OIM software (EBSD and Texture Analysis)
- IMAGE J (Quantitative image analysis and post processing)
- IntAnn (Microstructure evolution simulator for intercritical annealing)
- LAVISION software (Digital Correlation Image analysis)
- LAMMPS (Molecular Dynamic Simulation)
- MATLAB (Scientific calculation and data analysis)
- MAXIMA (Scientific calculation and data analysis)
- MICRESS (Phase Field calculation)
- MONTECARLO In-House Kinetic MonteCarlo Script
- MTEX Toolbox (Quantitative Texture Analysis)
- THERMOCALC software (Database on Iron and Aluminium alloys system)
- SETARAM Thermal Analysis suite
- VASP (ab initio calculation package)