Matthias Militzer – Director of CMPE
Dofasco Chair in Advanced Steel Processing
- Multi-scale modelling of microstructure evolution
- Physical metallurgy of advanced high strength steels
- Cu interconnects
- Hydrometallurgy (including leaching, electrometallurgy and residue characterization)
- Electrochemistry (including high temperature electrochemistry and sensors)
Electrochemical processes from:
- the purification of metals, metal deposition
- the detection method used in some biosensors
- the creation of electrical energy in a fuel cell or battery
- Physical phenomena in non-ferrous casting: hot tearing
- Continuous Casting, EB Melting and Refining, Vaccuum Casting
- Finite element-based heat flow and stress codes
- Optimization of industrial casting processes
- Mathematical modeling
Design and Applies Mechanics
- Finite Element Formulation of Nonlinear and Fracture Mechanics Problems
- Design Optimizations Using the Finite Element Method
- Bulk and sheet metal forming applications
- On Line Machine Monitoring and Crack Identification
- Numerical Simulation of Controlled Cooling Process of Steel
- Inverse problems in mechanics and heat transfer
- Finite element applications in nonlinear dynamics
- Thermomechanical treatments of metals and alloys
- Design Optimizations Using the Finite Element Method
- Modeling of physical metallurgy of steels and non-ferrous metals
- Software development for the analysis of ultrasonic wave properties in metals (CTOME Inc.)
Multiphase reactors
- Fluidized bed reactors
- Reactor modelling
- Gasification, combustion, roasting
- Use of sea water in heap leaching
- Release of selenium and associated toxic elements from mine waste materials
- Heap leach modelling
Microstructural engineering and Mechanical behaviour of two-phase materials
- Advanced aluminum alloys
- High strengths, high formable steels
- Metal matrix composites
- Microstructure/property models
- Thermodynamics, heat transfer and multiphase flows, particularly in boiling heat transfer
- Energy Efficiency of Buildings and Green Building Design in Clean Energy
- How particle morphology of solid, fractal-like particles (such as soot) affects the transport properties and measurement of the particles. A related research project has sought to characterize the difference in real particle morphology as a function of engine operating conditions.
- The development of new fuel injectors and injection strategies to minimize particle formation in compression ignition engines; new phenomenological models of particle formation in engines.
- Reduce aerosol concentrations where people spend most of their time – inside buildings; remove harmful nanoparticles using filtration systems that do not require excessive energy consumption.
The Sinclair Research Group focuses on understanding and predicting the relationship between processing, microstructure and properties of engineering alloys
- Sustainable high temperature materials processing
- Synthesis and refining of high quality metals and alloys
- Thermodynamics
- Mineral processing
- Processing, microstructure and properties of ceramics
- Refractories
- Ceramic coatings (sol-gel, thermal sprayed)
- Bioceramics
- Adhesion of ceramics to metals
- Ceramic and metal matrix composites
- Semiconductive and photocatalytic ceramics
- Ceramics for fuel cells, ceramic sensors, fracture and wear of ceramics
- Polymer matrix composites