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The Centre for Metallurgical Process Engineering at UBC is an internationally recognized interdisciplinary research centre focused on the development of advanced metallurgical processes and products. The breadth of the research within the centre spans from hydrometallurgy to microstructural design at the atomic scale.

CMPE seeks to bring together research and researchers who share a common goal to develop:


  • Revolutionary metallurgical processing technologies
  • Solutions for evolving current processing practices with a focus on improved efficiency and on sustainability
  • New products and applications arising from advances in processing technology Given the ever increasing global nature of the metallurgical industry

CMPE seeks to be a portal for collaborative research between groups with similar mandates. Through focused workshops, symposia and short courses CMPE serves to improve collaborations worldwide.

News and Events

CMSC June 10-13, 2019 We hope you will join us in Vancouver for the Canadian Materials Science Conference this June. In celebration of Professor David Embury’s 80th birthday we are holding a special symposium as part of this year’s conference.
The symposium brings together many of David’s former students and close colleagues to give invited talks focusing on the future of materials science and engineering. We hope that these talks will inspire collegial discussion and debate, in honour of the thoughtful scientific discussions we have all enjoyed with David over the years.

Matthias Militzer is one of five UBC engineering professors to be awarded an NSERC Strategic Partnership Grant
Matthias Militzer, a professor of materials engineering, will lead an inter-university team to develop a new, interface-based approach for designing advanced next-generation high-strength steels that will enable the manufacture of lightweight cars.

April 26 – 27, 2016
2nd International Workshop on Laser Ultrasoncis for Metallurgy

Complete list of news and events


  • Processing & Characterization in-situ
  • Sample preparation for metallography
  • Optical Microscopy
  • Electronic Microscopy
  • Software

Detailed list of research facilities available

ctome CTOME Software & Consulting Inc.
for Laser Ultrasonics Technology … a UBC spin-off company created in 2015


People, Publications and Projects

List of all members and publications/



Complete list of projects